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Empowering Caregivers: How Life Coaching Can Support Those Caring for a Loved One with Cancer

Tony Healer


Caring for a loved one with cancer is like taking an immersive course in mastering uncertainty. The first few days and weeks can feel like stepping into an unfamiliar ocean with huge waves threatening to sweep you away.

"You cannot control the waves, but you can learn to surf." - Jon Kabat-Zinn

Far too often those charged with the care of loved ones can succumb to their own illness. This is why it is critical to find additional support systems, such as mindfulness,  life coaching, and NLP, not only for the loved one diagnosed with cancer, but also for the caregiver.

Life Coaching Can Support Those Caring for a Loved One with Cancer

Navigating Life As a Carer For a Loved One with Cancer

First and foremost when the person you love and care most about in the world is diagnosed with cancer your world might be torn apart at the seams. You instantly become their primary carer. No application form, no interview, no selection panel just instantly seconded to what could prove to be the most challenging role of your life.

Being a primary caregiver can take on many forms such as nursing your loved one through pain, discomfort, sickness and lack of ability to care for their personal hygiene. Activities of daily living might become incedibly reduced. You could be administering medicines and supplements and so on and so forth. You could also find yourself taking care of the home and family single handedly when it was once a team effort. That means cleaning, shopping, cooking, and caring for kids.

You will become your loved ones advocate in numerous situations, including, and not limited to attending medical appointments. You may find yourself speaking on their behalf. You may find yourself representing your loved one in discussions with oncology departments or General/Medical Practitioner's (GP) appointments.

You may have to learn the medical language and become an interpreter. For example, when you first hear unfamiliar words that can fill you with dread like:

  • Stage four cancer treatment: Involves palliative care to manage symptoms and improve quality of life.

  • Angiogenesis: The formation of new blood vessels, plays a crucial role in tumor growth.

  • Adjuvant therapies: Used in addition to primary treatments to prevent cancer recurrence.

  • Apoptosis: The programmed cell death that helps regulate cell growth.

  • Aggressive cancer cells: a cancer growth pathway that leads to rapid progression.

  • Non-curative treatments: Aim to control cancer but may not result in a cure.

  • Metastasis: The spread of cancer cells to other parts of the body.

  • Radiation Therapy: A treatment method that uses high-energy radiation to target and destroy cancer cells.

  • Hormone Therapy: Treatment that involves altering hormone levels to slow or stop the growth of hormone-sensitive tumors.

  • Immunotherapy: Intense treatment that uses the body's immune system to fight cancer.

Your daily focus and priorities will be your partners health care needs which means that your own needs, goals and ambition take a back seat. You might need time out of work, or your business, time out from social activities or hobbies.

You must become an avid researcher of alternative cancer therapies and protocols. These become more important than anything else which can dramatically change your own perspective on things you previously held dear. Things that once meant a lot can appear meaningless.

One thing that will hit you like a truck will be the common feelings of isolation and helplessness that caregivers experience. People will not understand what you are going through. They will likely say the most ridiculous things about someone they knew who just died with cancer. The usual greeting rituals of "How are you?" or "Are you doing anything nice this wekend?" will leave you numb. It is difficult to find someone to talk to on the same wavelength, unless they have worn the T-shirt.

The Benefits of Life Coaching for Caregivers

Our mission is to empower caregivers to be the best person they can be. To help them overcome unexpected life changing hurdles and become inspired by coaching.

The Benefits of Life Coaching caring for a loved on with cancer

We can help you overcome those feelings of inadequacy and imposter syndrome. We can help you express those pent up emotions in a safe space and transform them into positive life force energy. Life coaching encourages personal growth and resilience through a shift of focus, a change of state and use of physiology to remind you who you truly are.

We will also be there with you when you begin to put your life back together.

Identifying Personal Goals

After a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer your goals could include improving mental health, enhancing relationships, or finding simple joy in daily life. Some people find it difficult to experience fun, joy or laughter. You need to give yourself permission and clear away any mental or emotional blocks.

Cancer leaves a lasting imprint and a change in identity. Life coaching can facilitate the discovery of new goals that are aligned with the new you.

Developing Coping Strategies While Caring for a Loved One with Cancer

Life Coaching can help people caring for a loved one with cancer in so many ways:

Life Coaching can help people caring for a loved one with cancer

  • empower effective communication skills

  • help you address feelings with loved ones.

  • overcome overwhelming personal demands.

  • embed time management strategies

  • help balance caregiving with personal needs.

  • letting go of trauma through forgiveness

  • overcome fear with gratitude

  • develop powerful affirmations and rituals

  • create supporting environment for healing

  • prioritise and organise

  • take important leaps of faith

  • recognise the impact of grief

  • maintaining emotional well-being

  • self-compassion and avoiding caregiver burnout

Building a Support Network

We can not emphasize enough the importance of seeking support beyond the immediate family. Life coaching can help identify existing support systems and encourage building new ones. Involvement in caregiver support groups can help you to express your fears and concerns with people who really get it.

Networking with like minded people helps motivate and reassure us to take those difficult steps. Connecting with other caregivers is a great way to share experiences and provide mutual support. You can begin to feel yourself again and realise how far you have come on this journey.

Enhancing Communication Skills

Effective communication can alleviate stress for both the caregiver and their loved ones. But it isn't just the language barrier we spoke of earlier. you will be thrust into the fast paced target driven world of oncology. The medical doctors, or oncologists will lead the medical teams which will include nurses, radiologists, surgeons, palliateive care teams, and so on. Some days, you literally dont stop with phone calls, appointments and tests.

On the flip side you might be arranging personal finances such as claiming against life insurance policies. Depending upon where you live there may be benefits that your loved one can claim, and you may be able to claim benefits as a carer.

There are highly emotional conversations that will knock the wind out of your sails, but it must be done.

Conclusion: Life Coaching Support For People Caring for a Loved One with Cancer

When a loved one is diagnosed with cancer there are many life changing curve balls thrown at you. Life coaching can help smooth the rough and unexpected impact on caregivers.

We encourage caregivers to explore life coaching as a transformative resource for support and empowerment. As a caregiver the first step was taken for you. The next step you take should be toward self-care and resilience so that you can become the most inspiring person your loved one could wish for.

You got this!

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