Personal Breakthrough Coaching With NLP and Hypnosis
Your Ultimate Game Changer
Personal Breakthrough sessions with Tony Healer can be illuminating, challenging, inspiring, painful, yet hugely rewarding. Life Coaching with NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is about clearing out mental clutter, emptying emotional baggage, expanding opportunities and transforming your results. Our people achieve life changing results after a personal breakthrough.
All Life Coaching Is About Breaking Through Limitations
Limitations or obstacles show up as soon as you start to take steps towards your goals. Successful people learn how to deal with those limitations and push through. Life coaching can lead to insights that can powerfully transform your results. Some people prefer to work towards specific goals and deal with obstacles along the way. Other people have limitations before they even begin. Fears, phobia's, significant emotional events, habits or addictions and limiting beliefs can all contribute to that feeling of being stuck.
Personal coaching with NLP and hypnosis is the fast-track to dealing with those obstacles and limitations from the very start. The depth of learning on these breakthrough sessions is incredible. You learn more about yourself in just a few sessions than you might have done in your life so far. This illuminates the unconscious barriers that you might not have even realised and allows you to work circles around obstacles that have held you back. ​
A personal breakthrough will really give you the edge in your development. The transformations are an absolute joy to behold. The opportunities that open up after you get out of your own way can be unbelievable. After all, life changing decisions lead to life changing results.
What is Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)?
In a nutshell, NLP helps you to understand your mind (Neuro) through use of powerful conversational models (Linguistic) that will change your thoughts and behaviours (Programming), which in turn transform your results.
You might say the "Programming" aspect of NLP coaching is using your mind for a change. If you change the way you respond to stimulus you change the outcome. It isn't always an obstacle that holds you back. It is the way you think about the obstacle.
Whether you want to transform your health, wealth, relationships, social life, family, work, career, self esteem, your business, or even your education, your NLP coach can help you cut through the barriers and unlock internal resources you may not even know you have yet.
Tony Healer's Personal Breakthrough Coaching eliminates unconscious thinking patterns that hold you back. It wont just resolve the issue, it will change your life!
What can personal breakthrough coaching be used for?
Personal Breakthrough Coaching is our ultimate choice for dissolving issues and eliminating bad habits, negative thought patterns, limiting beliefs, and emotional ties. This can be applied to issues like the following:
Low self esteem


Lack of self confidence

Fear or phobia’s

Unconcious habits

Emotional baggage

But, the personal breakthrough coaching doesn't end with just eliminating the problem. We also work with you to install the new programming which can lead to:
Stronger Relationships

Values Alignment

Professional Growth

Releasing Trauma

Vitality and Wellbeing

Your Personal Best

Transformational Life Coaching

Achieve life changing results after your personal breakthrough coaching experience.
Unlocking Past Events
The key to your personal transformation is in your unconscious past. NLP will help you deeply explore your personal history with a ferocious curiosity.
Transform a past event that no longer serves you. Embrace positive learning and opportunity when you gain powerful perspectives.
Fears and Phobia's
You know how anxiety, fears and phobia's hold you back from achieving your dreams and visions.
Send them to your personal history book and boldly go where you never dared before.
Harness Powerful Beliefs
When your beliefs and values are not aligned you will feel split. Part of you wants to do it, but a part of you holds you back. You suffer self sabotage.
NLP can help you bring back the harmony by eliminating limiting beliefs and aligning your values for success.
Emotional Freedom
Something bothers you. You are bothered that it bothers you. You are caught in a spiral like an emotional storm around you. You feel like you can't move forward.
Enhanced emotional freedom does not mean that thing dissapears. It means things just don't bother you anymore. You are calm, mindful and in control.
Quit Unhealthy Habits
Are there things you do habitually that you wish you didn't? Whether you want to quit something or start something incredible, it doesn't matter. Bad habits like addictions can seriously damage your potential.
Create Your Destiny
The final session of your breakthrough life coaching will be transformation day.
Reclaim control of your destiny, and set powerful new goals. Use the strategic visioning process to immerse yourself in your future success.
Tony Healer's blend of life coaching, neuroscience, NLP and hypnosis can transform your current situation in life
Our minds are a complex labyrinth of neural networks that are the pathways for your thoughts to follow. If a pathway is blocked or uncertain you can make new connections by thinking differently about the situation. Sometimes our neural pathways are so deeply embedded that we become resistant to thinking differently. The deeper rooted the pathway the easier it for our minds to travel them and deliver information, thoughts, or idea’s. The disadvantage to deep set pathways is that many were first created a long time ago, even during childhood.
In other words the thoughts we think today can be triggered by events that occurred during childhood. What that means is that our thinking, our beliefs and values can actually be holding us back. Life was different way back then. Influences upon the mind were different. The ability of the mind to think and problem solve was different.
On the other hand this is phenomenal news. The past is far from our present situation and is most certainly not equal to the future. Anything and everything can, and does change. Nothing is permanent, including your thoughts, beliefs, habits and outcomes. The gift of change is within your potential. Personal breakthrough coaching with NLP can help you unwrap your gift.
Are you ready to take that first step?

"The greatest way in the world to succeed at not achieving your dreams is to never take the first step"
- Anthony Robbins
What would you change first to transform
your situation in life?
Are you tired of being stuck through lack of self esteem, fear, stress, or anxiety?
Do unresolved emotions trigger irrational responses to situations? Maybe you have recently been on a roll and seem to have hit a barrier or a plateau that stops you from achieving your best yet.
A broken relationship, loss of a loved one or other significant event, can put strain on your performance. It can impact your ability to make decisions.
Whatever it is holding you back from achieving the life you want, it's time to let go or limitations and break through.
If you find yourself stuck, your old patterns need an upgrade. You need a personal breakthrough. After all, haven't those old events held you back for long enough?
Rediscover Your Inner Strength
We can help you unlock years of unconscious emotional stress. What this means for you is, behaving differently, on purpose, in the face of situations that used to control you.
Personal Breakthrough Coaching is about rediscovering your inner strength. It is about succeeding where you once feared to tread. It is about making new decisions about who you are, and eliminating decisions, and beliefs that limit you.
Most people have an inner strength lying dormant just waiting to be tapped. If you want to live the life of your dreams, you must first wake it up. Reconnect with your true passions and notice how easy it is to overcome obstacles that were once insurmountable.
Personal Breakthrough Coaching Experience
1 hr 30 min