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Tony Healer

How to eliminate the toxic mental clutter of modern life

Updated: Jul 5, 2024

The toxic mental clutter of modern life is a concept that arose during one of my personal life coaching sessions. It gave birth to a mindfulness clearing process that I call “The Mindful Storm”.

storm, toxic mental clutter, life coaching, mindfulness
The Mindful Storm - Tony Healer Coaching

It’s a process where all my ramblings, questions and challenges emerge in a whirlwind around me. The storm builds until answers and solutions come to mind. Hence the name. If you are curious of what the mindful storm process could uproot for you drop me a line and let’s talk. But first, here is my lesson for the day:

Don't be trapped by the toxic mental clutter of modern life

The manufactured trappings of life that inspire you now may make you recoil and cringe later in life. Your hero’s, role models and celebrities will surprise you in many ways when the veil of fame is removed. Those material desires you hold now may become torturous toxic reminders of wasted time or a lost youth you will yearn for later. All these give energy and clutter the mental storm later in life.

What seems true to you now may later be revealed as false. Some will remember Marlboro Country was the basis of an advert for cigarettes. What fools we were to be sucked in by clever yet dangerous advertising campaigns. Cigarettes are still killing because people are still buying. If "Marlboro Country" was depicted as the chemotherapy ward or the cemetery, the tobacco industry would not have been so super successful selling the toxic tabs.

A question I ask myself now is whether coffee could be the tobacco of today? One has to wonder. Whenever you turn on the television, count how many direct or indirect references you see to coffee. Maybe obvious product placement, or perhaps a shiny new coffee maker on a shelf subliminally in the background. It all leaves an imprint on your mind. In the seventies as I grew up, it was the same with cigarettes.

Most people are aware of the toxic and even addictive danger of refined sugar but some fools still believe a “mars a day” will help you work rest and play. Truth hurts. A mars a day will more likely lead to diabetes, tooth decay, cancer and heart disease. And on that note, did you notice the type of wings a can of fizzy taurine will give you? Unless you are eager to wear them, maybe it’s time to detox!

Love will forever be infinite

powerful healer, life coaching, toxic mental clutter

Lust is toxic mental clutter that will lure you to your peril for nothing more than a fleeting momentary expression of ecstasy. It is soon replaced and oftentimes with guilt, shame or regret. But your capacity for joy and love will forever be infinite. You will never lose love, but you may lose the things you loved. Loss, or grief hurts like nothing else. Make love your priority focus above all else.

Eternal joy is inside you, not in manmade objects of desire.

Take the word of Marcus Aurelius: “Everything in any way beautiful has its beauty of itself, inherent and self-sufficient.” Beauty needs nothing from external influence. No praise, no critique, nothing. Beauty is always beauty.

Share in the beauty of nature with people you love and who love you. Do you feel connected to someone? Past or present? Observe how their love for you will energise your spirit, whilst they allow your love to energise their spirit. Love is a powerful healer.

Keep your foot gentle on the accelerator

Health, vitality and drive will change over time but these fierce warriors will serve your command. Nurture and cultivate them now. For if they should ever leave you it could be the biggest battle of your life to win them back.

Where you have suppleness now, you will become rigid. Where you have warmth you will become cold. Where you have flow you will become stagnant. The speed in which these things occur is in your hands. Keep your foot gentle on the accelerator and make regular adjustments to ensure your passion is travelling in the right direction.

Let food be your premium fuel. We are drawn by ego to what tastes the best, what looks the best and what makes us feel powerful or important amongst friends. But that is not always the best thing for our physical body. Nothing tastes as good as fit feels. Share in the vitality of plant based whole foods rich in vitality. Become infused with the vibrancy of nature and resonate in alignment with your higher self.

There is always balance in the universe

balance your mind, life coaching

What goes up must come down. Emotions are no different. There is always balance in the universe therefore where you can, take the middle path. High emotions are followed closely by low emotions.

Remember “This too shall pass” works both ways. Enjoy the highs with balance and compassion for others. Don’t participate in selfish pleasure at the detriment of others. Karma hurts.

We have been lured to gadgets promising to make life easier but actually make the brain lose the ability to mentally hold on to what is most important in your life. Do you remember peoples phone numbers any more, or even birthdays for that matter without checking? How is that better? That which you don’t use will be taken from you.

Pain brings powerful lessons

Do you feel betrayed or hurt by someone? Past or present?

Ask how you betrayed yourself. Be grateful for the lesson and allow the power of forgiveness to energise your spirit, whilst releasing their energetic bond. Forgiveness will set you free if you work through the painful lesson.

The ultimate lesson in life is gratitude. Can you be grateful for the pain? Without having experienced pain and suffering you would never have found this peace. Pain brings powerful lessons. Pay attention to them, or pay with pain.

Rise like the storm and free yourself from toxic mental clutter

Clearing the toxic mental storm, Tony Healer Life Coaching

Observe any negative or unresolved emotion swirl around you like a tornado whilst you remain calmly in peace. Open your mind to solution, opportunity and growth. Meditate in the eye of the storm and clarity will emerge from the toxic mental clutter. Allow all the tension to drain from your body into the storm as it gathers momentum.

Stay centred and be grateful for the cleansing energy as you become uplifted. You will rise above it. You will outgrow the storm like a giant unstoppable force to be reckoned with. Allow the full power of the storm to be consumed by your detoxified presence of mind.

You are the storm!

To your success,

Tony Healer

Life Coaching





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