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Tony Healer

The Art of Healing Naturally

Updated: Oct 18, 2024

The Art of healing naturally, Tony Healer, Life Coaching, NLP, Manchester, UK

Mastering the art of healing naturally means you will never need to worry about being seventh in the queue to arrange an appointment in three weeks with your doctor. Your vitality and your loved ones may be compromised if you don’t. This Inspired by Coaching article introduces the eight steps you need to take to heal naturally and become your most vibrant self.

DISCLAIMER: This information is not intended as medical advice. You should always consult a professional medical doctor with any health challenges.

Why you should master the art of healing

Have you noticed that it is no longer safe to place all your trust and faith in conventional medical authorities? Something just doesn’t feel right with the system anymore. Whatever this current “normal” is, things are just not the same.

Our lives are in our hands more than ever. That means we must learn the laws of healing naturally, and take back control of our health. We need to up-skill and take responsibility for ourselves and our loved ones.

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The goal of the art of healing naturally

DNA Tony Healer, Life coach, NLP coach, healing naturally

The ultimate goal of natural healing is to achieve vitality and maintain balance or ease, otherwise known as “homeostasis.”

Homeostasis is when our body’s self-regulating biological systems and processes are able to maintain optimum functionality. Our systems are constantly responding to external and internal conditions (or toxins) to ensure our internal operating systems are optimal for our survival. According to Britannica, if homeostasis is successful, life continues; if unsuccessful, disaster or death ensues. Having a clear focus and health related goals can help you to avoid those outcomes.

If homeostasis is successful - balance, ease

If homeostasis is unsuccessful - out of balance, dis-ease

The art of healing could significantly reduce your risk of chronic and even acute health issues such as:

Chronic dis-ease

Acute Dis-ease


Bacterial infection


Viral infection

Auto-immune disease


Mobility issues


Heart disease

Heart attack


Advanced or aggressive cancer

You already know that prescribed drugs often have side effects which in turn keep you out of balance. But did you know that medical practitioners are rated for the drugs they prescribe and not by the patients they heal? In fact certain drugs attract lucrative incentives when prescribed. Are you at ease with this?

Time is a great healer

We may all let off some steam now and again. Just remember you risk introducing stresses and toxins which the body has to eliminate. Regular late nights partying, smoking, taking drugs or late nights through sleeplessness will not only destroy cells on the inside, it will affect your health visibly on the outside too.

It takes energy to resolve toxin overload and can leave you feeling wiped out. That means taking time out to adjust and recuperate. It could mean sickness or days lost depending on other factors. How much time can you afford to lose?

Do you check ingredients on food labels?

Give the “Yuca” App a trial and go through your food cupboard. You may be surprised at what it tells you is in your food. Changing your eating and drinking habits can have a dramatic and cumulative positive effect on your vitality. Like a dripping tap reversed. Green lights all the way!

Poor choices could manifest illness, depression, disease, and dependance on medicinal intervention. And that is not attractive to anyone except your pharmacist. Are you getting the picture? Fast or processed food, sugary drinks, and alcohol or other food additives could be the fast lane to hospital! Blue lights all the way!

Get the fundamentals right and you’ll be restored to natural vibrant health. Time is a great healer!

Here are the first three steps of The Art of Healing

In order to heal you must first eliminate toxicity that created the problem. Reducing or eliminating toxic risks such as alcohol or drugs (recreational or prescribed) can have a positive effect on maintaining homeostasis.

Think of a fish tank with a worn out filter. Giving daily medicine to the fish might keep the fish alive for a couple of days, or weeks. After that, the drugs wont work and can even become toxic themselves. Detoxing is the process of cleaning the tank and fixing the filter.

Step 1: Detox your body

Toxins come in all directions. Food additives, water pollutants, parasites and contaminants in products we use on our skin. Even conventional medicine can become toxic to the human body. X-rays, CT scans, and even radiotherapy introduce radiation which can become harmful.

When you eliminate toxins or parasites from the body it allows our immune system to recharge and maintain homeostasis.

Step 2: Detox your mind

At the same time you should work on your mind. You cant solve problems with the same level of thinking which created them. Having a clear mind means you can be open to new information and think more critically.

You would be surprised about the unconscious programs people have running. Think of a computer with multiple programs (or apps) open with no available RAM (capacity). You need to shut down a few programs to bring the functionality back to its peak performance. Being clear about your goals, visions and priorities can be a huge step in the right direction.

Then there is the added excitement, or pressure whichever is right for you, of relationships! Perhaps it was an affair that broke the relationship in the first place and you find yourself with the person who you never really committed to anyway. And how's that working out?

Step 3: Detox your environment

Wherever you go, there you are. How do you feel about where you are? Walk through your environment in your mind and ask if everything is as it should be for your peace and happiness. Do you have a personal space that you made into your own sanctuary? Maybe your bedroom or even a spare room. Did you make your bed and are your rooms free from clutter?

People go through life collecting “stuff.” That stuff breeds over the months and years. But it can also breed poor habits, poor cleanliness, and poor maintenance. Mould in the house can be particularly problematic. Household toxins such as carbon monoxide, or asbestos can lead to chronic illness and death in extreme cases.

Your next steps in the art of healing naturally

If you had a vision of yourself in vibrant health what would you be doing? How would you feel? Having a clear goal and vision sets people apart from the pack and leads to the next steps in the art of healing. Upgrades.

Step 4: Upgrade your vision, beliefs and values

Having a clear vision about life means you can direct your thinking to activities and habits that will manifest your dreams. Your core values drive your thinking and behaviour. They unconsciously determine what is important to you. How will you notice opportunities if you don’t know the goal? The trouble is that most of our values and visions about life were installed as a 5 to 9 year old child. Do you think yours could be due an upgrade?

Beliefs can be empowering or disempowering. The belief in a tooth fairy as a child helped you overcome the loss of a tooth. But that level thinking might not support you in grief as an adult. Coaching and NLP can help identify disempowering beliefs that hold you back and install empowering beliefs to carry you toward your vision.

Step 5: Upgrade your fuel

We already discussed eliminating toxins but you also need to upgrade your fuel consumption. You wouldn’t put petrol into a diesel engine so why would put fuel in the body that makes it run poorly.

My favourite kitchen appliance has to be my water distiller. I had no idea how many contaminants were in the tap water until the very first time I distilled it. The residue in the distiller appalled me and I have never drank tap water since.

People sacrifice all kinds of toxic treats just for two weeks in the sun but ignore longevity. Fad diets wont improve your overall health and wellbeing. Life coaching is not for advice about what you should eat and drink, or even which fad diet to follow. Coaching is to help you through a personal transformation to become your best self.

Step 6: Upgrade your nutrition

Nutrition should be seen separately to fuel. Fuel gives you energy, whereas nutrition helps you burn it. Of course nutrition plays a key role in cellular function throughout the

body. Whilst many believe that vitamin and mineral deficiency can be the cause of disease it is wise to consider topping up on the essentials. Even more so if you aware of specific imbalances. Fo example, one of my primary supplements is Lions Mane mushroom for optimum cognitive ability.

British Supplements are my go to brand and you can take 20% off your first purchase with this link (discount will be added at checkout):

Beware; Not all supplements are created equally. Cheap supplements can contain unhelpful additives and fillers. I never buy supplements in the supermarket. They may well be cheap, but could end up costing you more in the long run.

Step 7: Upgrade your fitness

This almost goes without saying. The important thing to note here is nothing tastes as good as fit feels.

Step 8: Upgrade your network

Teamwork makes the dream work. Who is on your team? Who plays a great game for you? Who needs substituting?

Networks are a source of pleasure and pain. That includes family, friends, work colleagues, loved ones, or even business associates. Every now and then you may need to prune the roses to achieve the best blooms. Find a source of support from like minded people who share similar passions and optimism.

The Art of Healing Naturally In Eight Fundamental Steps

To complete the full art of healing life coaching program click on the image:

The art of healing naturally, life coaching Tony Healer

1. Detoxify your body

2. Detoxify your mind

3. Detoxify your environment

4. Upgrade your purpose values and beliefs

5. Upgrade your fuel

6. Upgrade your nutrition

7. Upgrade your fitness

8. Upgrade your network

To Your Success,

Tony Healer

Life Coaching, NLP, hypnosis, Greater Manchester, Saddleworth, Tameside UK

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