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Tony Healer

How To Embrace The Power of Words To Transform Your Life

Updated: Sep 3, 2023

The power of words to inspire generations
The power of words

The power of words to enhance or inspire success in any area of your life must not be underestimated. The right words, used purposefully can enhance your career, your relationships and your outcomes. Words can inspire generations.

But tread carefully. Words used carelessly can end your career, your relationships and any hope of success. Are words really more powerful than the sword?

In this Inspired by Coaching article I am inviting you to explore how words can shape and form not only your relationships, your career, or your success, but your destiny.

What are words for?

We use words to communicate our needs wants and desires. We have poetry, song and literature to inform and entertain. Words help establish facts that inform decisions. We also use words to inspire workers or persuade customers.

"Words are of course the most powerful drug used by mankind" - Rudyard Kipling

Words are a guide for the infinite library of our unconscious mind to connect dots and infer meaning. In life coaching words are triggers for deeper thinking and reflection. Simple words presented at the right moment can be inspiring, challenging and even life changing!

Words are also used to create confusion, compliance, and division. Think of the colour blue.

Are we seeing the exact same thing? I doubt it very seriously. We only see what we choose to see in our minds eye. We make our own connections about what is relevant and what it means. We delete, generalise or distort the rest.

Did you see a whale? Did you see a car, a dress, or a sports team? How many saw an Orchid? Did you see a thin blue line, or the entire sky above you?

I dont suppose anyone saw a tree whilst thinking of the colour blue. But then, anything is possible.

Words are like scalpels. In the hands of a craftsmen they create life saving miracles. In the hands of a stressed, overwhelmed, under trained, inexperienced work-force they can create chaos and devastation.

Words can cause suffering. The power of words is always felt by the receiver, not the sender.

Be Aware Of The Destructive Power Of Words

Words are keys to hearts and minds. The way we spin words into sentences can cast spells upon the recipient. We can be transported to a noble quest on the far reaches of the galaxy. You could imagine yourself on a sensational yacht sailing the Caribbean Sea at sunset. Words could send you into the fries of hell battling a beast of a Mexican habanero chilli chicken burrito. Ouch! Heartburn!

Sometimes, one word is enough. Don't under estimate the power of a simple "Yes!" or "No!" Just one word can stop a person in their tracks and transform their entire universe in a heartbeat. For some people that word could be "cancer," "stroke" or "untreatable".

Imagine the impact of trigger words you use with people daily in your work.




Harm your defence


Under Arrest



The power of words is always felt by the receiver, not the sender. Be mindful with the spells you cast every day, either consciously or unconsciously. You may just sentence the recipient to unwarranted suffering.

Beware The Careless Whispers

It sometimes amazes me the careless ways we cause unnecessary suffering with our words. Sarcasm. Banter. Pokes. Put downs. Insults. We have probably all been on both sides of that coin.

How far would your words go? Hurt? Outrage? Offence? Harassment? Abuse?

When careless whispers persist there could be worse impact to come. When words are down right abusive irrecoverable damage may already have been done.

We sometimes perform at our worst when we feel under attack. Beware the "red mist" which can lead us directly into conflict if we aren't careful. That conflict could be with your boss, your career, or even your partner. The impact is often devastating.

Did you eve watch "The Goldbergs" on TV? Murray Goldberg called everyone a moron at one time or another. I grew up in the seventies where it was commonplace to use really horrendous words. In fact, I am horrified at some that are still in my memory.

In the Eighties I remember using insults like "Joey" after Joey Deacon who suffered severe cerebral palsy, or a "Spaz" (short for spastic) or even "Flid" (reflecting the effects the drug thalidomide had on babies). These were utterly repellant words that were used in ridicule by kids across the country.

But what has really changed? Are parents any better? Are we?

Remember "Sticks and stones may break bones but words should never harm me."

How misguided were we to buy into this story? Unwelcome words have cut me down and spun me around and left me speechless. However, carrying anger towards those who cause you suffering is like drinking poison and expecting them to suffer. It is far more powerful to grace them with your forgiveness. Clear your energetic aura of all negativity toward them. Choose your words wisely and retain your dignity and grace. That doesn't mean words will never hurt you.

"The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you."

- John E. Southard

Using The Power Of Words For Good

"You should always give 100%, unless you are giving blood! "

You must know the phrase "mind your P's and Q's?" In "The Four Agreements" by best selling author Don Miguel Ruiz it says be impeccable with your words. Whatever you want to achieve in life, in your career, your health, and your relationships, be impeccable with your words. Notice and reflect on how you communicate your needs, wants and desires in a variety of scenarios.

What impact did your words have? Do they fall upon deaf ears, or sound a triumphant chorus?

There will always be excuses and critics why people do or don't do something. Your internal critic is often loudest of them all. Be impeccable with your words you say to yourself. If you are able to quieten words of doubt and replace them with empowering words of encouragement, inspiration and support why wouldn't you?

I really encourage you to play full out with this concept. The rewards will speak for themselves.

Enhance Your Performance With The Power Of Words

Most professional organisations have a purpose, mission and values. Does your communication style align with yours?

There are expectations on the way you communicate with others. The words you use every day creates a wave of impact. Some visible, some simmering just beneath the surface. Either way, your words can directly affect your organisations bottom line.

Some days you need to cool the waters, some days you need to fire them up. Choose your words with care. One slip of the tongue may be forgivable but only if you notice and reflect on the slip. Dangerous words used repeatedly will seriously damage your prospects.

Choose positive thinking to drive your behaviour and utilise the power of words for your favour rather than your downfall.

Im going to close with these famous words from Henry Ford, "whether you believe you can, or believe you cant, you are probably right."

To Your Success!

Tony Healer

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